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How to get prizes from Banges Exploration in Tower of Fantasy



Get prizes from Banges Exploration

Get prizes from Banges Exploration: With the prizes from Banges Exploration, you may get expensive goods for Tower of Fantasy. The second location that players visit as they go through the narrative call Bangs.

In chapter two, exploration prizes will become available, but neither their mechanics nor how to get them ever described. This article will cover how to get Banges Exploration rewards in Tower of Fantasy.

The process for claiming Banges Exploration awards

As you start chapter two, a number of brand-new gameplay elements and menu choices will become available. Some of these new features are left up to the players to find out on their own, while others provide short explanations.

Exploration rewards intended to provide you with some unique resources and goods for exploring and snooping about the wide-open globe.

To see the Banges Exploration reward progress screen, you must first access the world map. The names of various places shown in the bottom right corner of the map screen, along with completion rates. To access the rewards screen, click the Badges tab.

You may monitor your rewards progression from this screen and collect awards when you hit milestones along the bar. For example, there are the following rewards.

  • Seven gold atoms.
  • Two crystals of Potent Omnium.
  • 300 crystals of darkness
  • The relic of Courant.
  • A Strong Mushroom
  • The clothing of the Wastelands Wanderer.
  • Title: The Banges Apprentice.

You must explore the Banges location to fill this bar. Points awarded for turning on supply pods and finding goods for the first time in this area.

This progress bar shows all the tasks you can complete and cross off your list. To get all of the Banges Exploration awards, find hidden things and thoroughly explore this region.