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Nutritionist on pre- and post-swim diet



Nutritionist on pre- and post-swim diet

Nutritionist on pre- and post-swim diet: An excellent technique to work out your muscles is swimming. Swimming may aid in developing muscles, sound sleep, mental wellness, balance, coordination, and a healthy physique.

However, it’s crucial to consume the proper nutrients before and after swim lessons to attain them. In her most recent Instagram Reel, nutritionist Pooja Makhija discusses how to prepare a meal when swimming is on the agenda.

The dietician and social media personality explained how having a modest lunch before getting in the water is necessary. In addition, Makhija advised people to consume modest amounts of fruits, nuts, and yogurt with seeds.

“Start your metabolism off with something modest,” she said. A portion of fruit, a few almonds, and some seed-infused yogurt. If necessary, add some coffee on top.”

Makhija said that a big dinner would be beneficial for your post-swim diet. “Post the swim, you have to eat your bigger supper,” she said in the Reel.

It may be for lunch, supper, or all three. The dietitian indicated that eating a substantial meal after swimming is significantly more advantageous since doing so improves the body’s metabolic rate by 30%.

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The need to drink water while swimming was also emphasized in the Reel description. Swimming may sometimes make you feel dehydrated, according to Makhija, so drinking water can help avoid this.

Make the most of your enjoyable summer swim, which also works as a cardiovascular and metabolic burner for you, she said in the description for the Reel. The meals listed in the movie are also quite simple to get on most international holidays.”

She said that water is the most crucial component of your diet before and after swimming workouts.

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