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Genshin Impact event gives Xingqiu skin and Primogem rewards



Genshin Impact event gives Xingqiu skin and Primogem rewards

The winds of change are happening in Mondstadt and Liyue. Players are getting ready for an exciting event in Genshin Impact. Xingqiu is the main focus, and there are promises of getting lots of Primogems. 

It’s time to gather our friends and start this epic quest. Whether you’re experienced or new to Teyvat, this event will be memorable. 

Get your swords and use your elemental powers for this unforgettable adventure!

Genshin Impact Events: A Gateway to Rich Rewards

Genshin Impact events known for being exciting and offering big rewards. The Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze event continues this tradition. 

Players can play different game modes and earn special rewards. This event is an excellent opportunity to improve characters and achieve more in the game.

Unlocking Xingqiu’s Bamboo Rain Outfit: A Fashionable Pursuit

This event lets you get Xingqiu’s Bamboo Rain outfit, a cool new look for your character. To join, you must be Adventure Rank 20 and finish the Song of the Dragon and Freedom Archon quest. 

Festive Fever, a particular currency you earn by playing, is what you need to get the outfit and look great in Genshin Impact.

Diving into the Gameplay Modes

  • Bumper Wushou Mode

Players will play Bumper Wushou in this mode, using Teabricks to knock aside opponents. The Golden Carp’s Leap power helps navigate the Chenyu Vale region’s elevated landscapes.

 Get ready for an exciting experience mastering strategy and skill.

  • High-Flying Shenanigans

Players will play Bumper Wushou in this mode, using Teabricks to knock aside opponents. The Golden Carp’s Leap power helps navigate the Chenyu Vale region’s elevated landscapes. 

Get ready for an exciting experience mastering strategy and skill.

  • Puzzle-Solving Shenanigans

The third mode adds puzzle-solving challenges. Players must use Guoba or Yuegui to solve puzzles, push boxes, and collect items. This mode rewards players with good problem-solving skills.

Genshin Impact Version 4.4: A Glimpse into the Future

The Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze event is happening, and we expect Genshin Impact Version 4.4 to come out in early March. Leaks suggest that Chiori, known as The Thundering Seamstress, will be added as a new Geo character. 

This update contains PvE content and valuable items to keep players interested in the game.


In conclusion, the Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze event is for Genshin Impact fans. It offers Primogems and Xingqiu’s Bamboo Rain outfit. 

The gameplay modes are well-designed for an immersive experience with challenges and rewards. During the event, prepare for an exciting journey through the skies and uncover mysteries in the Chenyu Vale region.