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Arnold Schwarzenegger gives his grandchildren and his pet the same oatmeal for breakfast



Arnold Schwarzenegger gives his grandchildren and his pet the same oatmeal for breakfast

Arnold Schwarzenegger gives his grandchildren and pets the same oatmeal treats. He mentioned this during an interview on Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show.

He bakes oatmeal cookies with honey, bananas, and oatmeal for his animals, like horses, pigs, and dogs.

Schwarzenegger also said that his granddaughters, Lyla and Eloise, like these treats and wait for them during their visits.

These treats may have added sugars and fats, so they may not be suitable for daily consumption compared to plain oatmeal.

Schwarzenegger’s approach may be better for people or animals. Talking to a veterinarian or pediatrician for specific recommendations is a good idea.

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This is just a story, and it’s not meant to be a recommendation for feeding children and pets the same food.

Each person and animal has different dietary needs. The story shows Schwarzenegger’s playful personality and close bond with his family and pets.

It’s essential to take good care of pets and children by giving them the right food.

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