
Can Vitamin D Overdose Pose Health Risks?



Vitamin D Overdose Pose Health Risks: Our systems’ ability to absorb and hold onto minerals like calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for bones, has long recognize to aid by vitamin D. There are several ways to get vitamin D, including via diet, supplementation, and sun exposure.

In addition to the natural sources such saline fish, red meat, egg yolk, etc., those deficient in this vitamin also take supplements. However, these supplements always use after a visit to the doctor.

We are all aware that using too many vitamins may negatively impact our health. For example, Dr. Karun Makhija, MBBS and MD in Preventive Medicine, claims that taking too much vitamin D might harm the kidneys and bones and cause our bodies to produce more calcium than is necessary.

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The health expert advises that a blood test should perform on supplement users to determine their toxicity degree. One should cease taking vitamin D tablets immediately if their blood levels are high.

Diet2Nourish co-founder and chief dietician Priyanka Jaiswal clarified that the correct supplement dose depends on a person’s age and health. However, she notes that the typical minimum amount scales up to 800 IU (International Units) daily.

The usage of supplements has never linked to fatalities, according to Priyanka, but the improper amount and excessive use might impact bone fragility and calcium absorption.


  • Vitamin D pills in excess harm the kidneys, bones, and other bodily organs.
  • Before using it, talking to a doctor and being aware of the recommended dose is essential.
  • Get a blood test done to determine the toxicity levels.
  • The most significant source of vitamin D is sunlight.

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