
How to deal damage from inside a vehicle in Fortnite?



How to deal damage from inside a vehicle in Fortnite? If you are looking for the answer, then please read the article. Begin with week eight of Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 3, in full swing. 

In contrast, the game is ready to tackle the latest batch of map challenges. 

Epic added vehicles to the game, and now we can enjoy some fun. However, one of the challenges involves players hopping around the map from car to vehicle fight. 

Therefore trying to get kills inside the cars. Follow this guide to understand the best way to handle damage inside a vehicle inside Fortnite.

How to deal damage from inside a vehicle in Fortnite?

In the beginning, you’ll need to be a part of the Duos (or Squad game. It’s because you aren’t able to shoot and drive. Similar to boats and Choppas, cars require an experienced driver to steer the vehicle. 

If you’re in a different seat, you’ll be able to shoot away quickly. The latest challenge requires you to deal with 10,000 damages from within vehicles. 

Furthermore, cars are not useable for Team Rumble, which means that it’s no longer an option.


In Choppas, as long as you’re not on the skids, you can shoot your guns as usual. Moreover, you can throw whatever you have, like grenades and gas bombs. The pilot could also hurt individuals with the blades of the rotor.

Choppas aren’t that difficult to master. So long as you’re in the skids of your vehicle, you can use the gun and throw things such as explosives as usual. You can also take out enemies using the rotor blades. 

It’s easy to invite your players to jump into the Choppa and make 10,000 points of damage to complete the game.


In Fortnite, the boat’s driver can cause damage to the rockets. Also, the rest of the crew has the option of shooting their guns from inside the boat. 

However, it makes an excellent option for those who are part of the team taking on this challenge.


The most effective method to fulfill this is to get into the car’s seat and then hang on the outside of the vehicle. Usually, those players who are not driving the car can take advantage of this method and shoot from there. 

However, it is also possible to hop around in the car to form an ensemble with several players causing damage during a single game. You could also drag enemies over to cause injuries and complete the challenge.

That’s our guide to this particular test. If you’re here, you may like to read our guide on where to find the latest gold XP Coins for Week 8.

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