
Elden Ring update 1.03 features new quests and NPCs



Elden Ring update 1.03 features new quests and NPCs. 

The most recent Elden Ring update is the game’s first big patch, and it includes new characters and quests and improved map features and balance changes.

The official released Elden Ring update 1.03 on 17 March 2022. The most significant modification is adding a function that allows players to directly document NPCs they encounter on the map, assigning a name and an associated icon to their position. 

Jar-Bairn, a new NPC, and new quest stages for Nepheli Loux and Gatekeeper Gostoc are new additions. Finally, “various circumstances” adds some new summonable NPCs and the ability to copy more things with the Mimic’s Veil.

Then there are a few dozen bug fixes. However, the fault that prevented summoned NPCs from taking damage from bosses appears to be the most significant. 

But the patch for the issue that periodically prevented players from receiving their prize after defeating a monster also appears to be beneficial.

FromSoftware has also made several balancing adjustments. Enhanced Smithing Stone drop rates for some foes and increased shield efficacy are the most critical changes for most players. 

However, the update that states “decreased the damage of spirit summoned when using the item Mimic Tear Ash and modified the spirit’s behavior pattern” is, in my opinion, the most notable. 

Given how potent the Mimic can be, especially in high-damage late-game boss encounters, this appears to be a significant change.

FromSoftware verified that you’d need to download the patch to keep playing online in a tweet announcing the patch.


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